Apr 17, 2011

feeling like my life moves so slowly, almost backwards.

Mar 30, 2011

my phone is fixed!

Mar 13, 2011

inspired busy.
sometimes it is nice to be so involved in your life you don't have a chance to be self-aware. it is less conscious, and feels more natural.

a new path, indeed.
i am excited for the future. i am happy in the now.

Feb 21, 2011

morning at the beach

thermos of coffee, dog, rubber boots, hanging out along the shore.

Feb 20, 2011

open windows, cleaning house, and joni mitchell on a sunday morning reminds me of my childhood.

Feb 19, 2011

Feb 17, 2011

Feb 15, 2011

sometimes you just gotta add peas

i filed my taxes and didn't eat dinner 'til now. niner pee em.

however, i had some home made bean + bacon soup a'stewin' which i threw together after grabbing some supplies at the li'l grocery store downstairs. i didn't expect it to be any good as i had put together the recipe by memory. however, it turned out tast-EE! and better than i remember. i can't wait to eat it tomorrow! yeeee!

i think i like this boy a little. way over yonder in the minor key.

storms, tulips, black adder, tacos, chocolate cake, and losing by 1 point in carcassonne.

Feb 13, 2011

tomorrow is for

stealing hearts?

the cure for a headache

the cure for a headache is, of course, plantain chips 'n guac and margeritas. who knew?

breakfast at gasworks park with the pup.

Feb 12, 2011

27th floor

spent the evening downtown with my sister and her husband reading excerpts from twilight and playing 'guess the card i'm holding' and indian poker. i lick the card so it sticks to my forehead real good. baby eden sleeps.

salmon bay cafe breakfast, while trying to draw the best troll, the best shrimp eyes.

Feb 11, 2011

i need more work space

i dream of a large, old wooden table. so i can spread out my work station. big windows. lots of light. more puppies!

illustration for language school worksheet.

also, i discovered encaustic painting. took a 2 day class at assemble. i'm hooked.

animal pile:

Feb 10, 2011

Jan 8, 2011

[insert suspicious minds lyrics here]